Varronia leucophlyctis

Varronia leucophlyctis

Native range of varronia leucophlyctis is Galápagos. James IslandPuerto Egas-0.241666,-90.861461

Beach morning glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae)

Beach morning glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae)

Native range of beach morning glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae) is Tropical and Subtropical coasts worldwide. James IslandPuerto Egas-0.241666,-90.861461…

Browne's Blechum (Ruellia blechum)

Browne’s Blechum (Ruellia blechum)

Native range of Browne's blechum (Ruellia blechum) is Caribbean and Mexico to Venezuela and Bolivia, . James IslandPuerto Egas-0.241666,-90.861461…

Galápagos bitterbush (Castela galapageia)

Galápagos bitterbush (Castela galapageia)

Galápagos bitterbush (Castela galapageia) is endemic to Galapagos. Isla Isabela-0.254573,-91.368313

Chamaesyce amplexicaulis

Galápagos spurge (Chamaesyce amplexicaulis)

Galápagos spurge (Chamaesyce amplexicaulis) is endemic to Galapagos. 0.323081,-89.948675

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) is a large wader, and even though it does not breed here it is most definitely behaving like a permanent resident as it's not at…

White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)

White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)

Native range of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) is subtropical and tropical America, west tropical Africa to Angola. Santa…

White-haired Tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescence)

White-haired Tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens)

White-haired tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497

Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora)

Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora)

Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

I wonder what insects are able to digest or damage this Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis) which has covered itself in dense hairs…