Chameleon Plant (Houttuynia cordata)

Chameleon Plant (Houttuynia cordata)

Houttuynia cordata is found in Sikkim's subtropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1665 meters. Native range is Himalaya to Temperate…

Costus arabicus

Costus arabicus

Plant stands tall and vital and some use it in their garden. Here it's in the dark undergrowth of the forest not far from the river by SouthWild Pantanal.…

Costus arabicus

Costus arabicus

This species I found in the dark undergrowth of the forest not far from the river by SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Caribbean and South America.…

Chamaecostus acaulis

Chamaecostus acaulis

An incredibly fragile inflorescence. It's a kind of ginger and is edible. I found them in many dense groups on the jungle floor not far from where the…

Automeris abdominalis

Automeris abdominalis

What a beautiful moth when it has the wings open like this! I mostly saw this species with wings in resting position and no sign of this colorful wonder! For…