Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

The protected areas of Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park is a treasure trove of plant species! Native range is Bolivia and Brazil.

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

The protected areas of Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park is a treasure trove of plant species! A very strange shape I think, and I wonder what has driven it…

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

The breeding season is over, and only a few of the species remain. This couple had two juveniles practicing fishing and will likely leave this sandbank in the…

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

The dry season is overtaken by the water, and the rivers are swelling day by day. Slowly the many sandbanks will be submerged and with them many birds relying…

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)

My only sighting of this peculiar species was along the Tuichi River, so I never saw it hunting. Its peculiar beak is used as a kind of fishing rod, and it…

Poecilandra retusa

Poecilandra retusa

This small tree grows alongside the path to Roraima and is common all over the Gran Sabana. Native range is Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.