Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Perhaps the first you'll notice when you come to Fazenda San Fransico are all the Rheas leisurely strolling around the farm - some very close to the buildings…

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

At this level the rhea's head is small compared to the body of the parrot. When I look at its facial expression I can't help but giggle - it's so cute! Rheas…

Furu (Pinus sylvestris) File name: DSC_7092a.jpg

Furu (Pinus sylvestris)

Når furuen setter igang blomstringen er det bare å skalke luker og vente til det går over. Ellers vil alt dekkes av et lag gult pollen. Om det er varmt blir…