Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

An introduced species that spreads from gardens, and date groves.

Red-veined Dropwing (Trithemis arteriosa)

Red-veined Dropwing (Trithemis arteriosa)

The Red-veined Dropwing is one of an incredible 22 dragon- and damselfly species found on Socotra, which is quite a feat for an isolated island.

Tandayapa Lepidoptera 27

Phrygionis polita

Once again a moth with nature's own Henna paint. It seems like metallic paint, as it's elevated from the rest of the wing surface. 0.002500,…

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Most of the daytime (diurnal) butterflies were either hard to get close to, were restlessly fluttering around never to settle down more than a blink of an eye,…