Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

This winter has seen a good amount of rain, resulting in lots of growth. At this location I encountered several species of insects, including two species of…

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Two Socotra cormorants was actually unusual, as I mostly saw them in one large mass. There are many of this species on the west coast of Socotra, especially…

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

The Socotra cormorant is both endemic to the region and thus a vulnerable species, but also due to excessive habitat loss caused by human activities. It's…

Guanay Cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvilliorum)

Guanay Cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvilliorum)

This has become a more uncommon species, and even here around havens like the Ballestas Islands in Peru I saw only a few individuals. None with chicks as I did…

Red-legged Cormorant (Poikilocarbo gaimardi)

Red-legged Cormorant (Poikilocarbo gaimardi)

This is the second of the regional species of cormorant I encountered, also this one becoming more and more rare - just like the guanay cormorant. I was in…

Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)

Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Veined White Skipper (Heliopetes arsalte)

Veined White Skipper (Heliopetes arsalte)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Orcus Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

Orcus Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

The oxbow lake at the Amazon Reaseach and Conservation Center holds enough fish to support ravenous giant otters, caimans, anhingas and neotropical……

Pythonides grandes

Pythonides grandes

I found many butterflies around the dark forest floor of the forest surrounding the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC). Many are so well…