Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Elevation: 2775 meters. Native range is Indian Subcontinent to Temperate East Asia and Malesia

Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis) UV

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis) UV

No special patterns appear in UV for this flower!

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

I only found this species in one specific location on Skand (or Skand) - the highest point on all of Socotra - and was grateful it was in bloom.

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

I only found this species in one specific location on Skand (or Skand) - the highest point on all of Socotra. Elevation: 1480 meters.

Thamnosma socotrana

Thamnosma socotrana

A most peculiar plant! I only found this plant with fresh flowers, but unfortunately not with open flowers yet. I found it in very steep terrain close to the…

Thamnosma socotrana

Thamnosma socotrana

A most peculiar plant! I only found this plant with fresh flowers, but unfortunately not with open flowers yet. I found it in very steep terrain close to the…

Thamnosma socotrana

Thamnosma socotrana

A most peculiar plant! I only found this plant with fresh flowers, but unfortunately not with open flowers yet. I found it in very steep terrain close to the…

Blåvinge (Plebejus sp)

Blåvinge (Plebejus sp)

På vei til Steinsjøen, dypt inne i Skogbygda, sto røsslyngen i full blomst og jeg så mengder med blåvinger langs stien. Mange var gamle, og hadde sikkert ikke…