Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Som soldugg må tettegress opptre langt mer vennlig mot sine ofre ellers i sesongen når de trenger å formere seg. Derfor er blomsten hevet høyt over de klebrige…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

The population of Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed to 6 in Africa. Native range is Tropical & South Africa, West Indian…

Dioscorea lanata

Dioscorea lanata

The shape of the leaves provides information that this is a species and an individual with a huge growth potential. Dioscorea lanata is a twining plant that…

Dioscorea lanata

Dioscorea lanata

Dioscorea lanata is endemic to Socotra. Dioscorea…</p><hr class=

Dioscorea perdicum

Dioscorea perdicum

Altitude: 2449 meters. Native range is southeastern Brazil.

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Langs enkelte av grusveiene i Skogbygda vokser det store bestander av tettegress.

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Dette var det eneste stedet ved Sjølitjernet jeg fant en så tett samling gytjeblærerot. De fleste vokser i tillegg ytterst på de tynneste myrflakene, noe som…