Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe (Attagis gayi)

Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe (Attagis gayi)

I immediately thought of ptarmigans of northern Europe when I encountered this seedsnipe. It is in fact a short-legged wader living on plants and seeds. It…

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

My first sight of this group was a couple lying in the dirt road! Completely chilled and did not bother to get up before the car was quite close. Even then…

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

In a garden of rock formations resembling many different animals I was baffled to suddenly stand in front of this Viscacha monitoring my movements.

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

If it doesn't move, the Viscacha is near impossible to see. The color is so similar to the rocks, sand and shrubs, that it's only patience or luck that makes…

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Leaving the Sajama National Park, I had the first sighting of the northern Vicuna. They were grazing on the top of this hill, and was not particularily…