Red-veined Dropwing (Trithemis arteriosa)

Red-veined Dropwing (Trithemis arteriosa)

The Red-veined Dropwing is one of an incredible 22 dragon- and damselfly species found on Socotra, which is quite a feat for an isolated island.

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Kingfishers are known for fishing, but fish is not big on the laughing kookaburras menu. It will sit perched high like a fence post seen here, and wait for…

Principe kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus nais)

Principe kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus nais)

During my stay on Principe I had a lot of lovely encounters with one of the resident pairs of Principe kingfishers. If I was inside my room and heard the…

Ospeskrubb | Aspen boletes (Leccinum aurantiacum/albostipitatum)

Ospeskrubb | Aspen boletes (Leccinum aurantiacum/albostipitatum)

The forest is full of amazing fungi now, and I am having a blast looking for the best specimens of each species. But when I finally find one and set up my…