Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

A very common species to mid-level elevations, but I have only occasionally encountered them in bloom like here. It has a strange looking fruit. Elevation: 72…

Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

This winter has seen a good amount of rain, resulting in lots of growth. At this location I encountered several species of insects, including two species of…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

During my 14 day stay on Socotra I only found this plant with a seed pod. And in what an exquisite state! The pod has just opened, and the seeds are yet to be…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

This plant is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley floor,…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

This plant is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley floor,…

Caralluma socotrana UV

Caralluma socotrana UV

A mesmerizing flower in shape, texture and color which is almost completely dark in UV. Endemic.

Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)

Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Veined White Skipper (Heliopetes arsalte)

Veined White Skipper (Heliopetes arsalte)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Orcus Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

Orcus Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

There are a few access roads to the Rio Las Piedras which is the only way to the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and on my way back we chose to…

Pythonides grandes

Pythonides grandes

I found many butterflies around the dark forest floor of the forest surrounding the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC). Many are so well…