African Baconfig (Aizoon canariense)

African Baconfig (Aizoon canariense)

Inconspicuous but commonly found in sandy plains of the coast and further inland. This is the first I've found with flowers. It is found throughout much of…

Corbichonia decumbens

Corbichonia decumbens

This one I found on the riverside of Kalesan gorge, which means it must endure flash floods – impressive!

Corbichonia decumbens

Corbichonia decumbens

This one I found on the riverside of Kalesan gorge, which means it must endure flash floods - impressive!

Aizoon canariense UV

Aizoon canariense UV

As the petals were gone (I found none in bloom), this photo is more on the developing fruit than a true flower.

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense

This species thrives on the flats close to the ocean, and are very small and inconspicuous. In fact I had to use my macro to see the flowers!

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense

This species thrives on the flats close to the ocean, and are very small and inconspicuous. In fact I had to use my macro to see the flowers as the petals are…

Fernseea itatiaiae

Fernseea itatiaiae

This species grows in the inaccessible and more rocky terrain, so you'll see it in steep slopes and outcrops and cracks in the rocks above the road. It is…

Fernseea itatiaiae

Fernseea itatiaiae

This species grows in the inaccessible and more rocky terrain, so you'll see it in steep slopes and outcrops and cracks in the rocks above the road. It is…

Bromelia sylvicola

Bromelia sylvicola

This was the only bromeliad species I encountered while in the Pantanal. It's a large plant and easy to see during flowering when the intense red leaves form…

Tillandsia samaipatensis

Tillandsia samaipatensis

This species can grow to huge specimens with enormous inflorescences that dangles in the wind from the sheer cliffs of Refugio Los Volcanes. The specialised…