Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Every day I enjoyed the many butterflies around my room and I was hoping this agathina emperor (Doxocopa agathina) would close its wings, as this species is…

Lavinia Emperor (Doxocopa lavinia)

Lavinia Emperor (Doxocopa lavinia)

The doxocopas look very similar to the adelphas out in the field, but when you see one with this amazing blue iridescence there are much less to choose from.…

Linda Emperor (Doxocopa linda)

Linda Emperor (Doxocopa linda)

The doxocopas look very similar to the adelphas out in the field, as well as during identification at home. It's like seeing the difference of two QR codes or…

Linda’s Emperor (Doxocopa linda)

Linda’s Emperor (Doxocopa linda)

This is from the airstrip in Florida, and being next to Noel Kempff Mercado National Park there are so many different species of butterflies everywhere. The…

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina) is a beautiful butterfly I also saw in Bolivian Amazon. The blue is changing with the angle of the light, so sometimes it…

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

I'm grateful to have gotten a shot of this wonderful agathina emperor (Doxocopa agathina). I only saw it here this once on the muddy grounds of the Napo…

Blomsterflue (Didea fasciata)

Blomsterflue (Didea fasciata)

Enda en variant av blomsterflue og denne gang i slekten didea som det finnes tre arter av i Norge. Larvene lever av bladlus. Vanskelig å komme innpå og…

Hvitbåndet humleblomsterflue (Volucella pellucens)

Hvitbåndet humleblomsterflue (Volucella pellucens)

En stor blomsterflue som minner om droneflue. Kan ikke huske å ha sett den før. Larvene har en merkelig oppvekst - i vepsebol! De lever av døde vepselarver og…

Blomsterflue (Helophilus pendulus)

Blomsterflue (Helophilus pendulus)

Vanlig solblomsterflue kalles den, men her i området ser jeg ikke denne spesielt mye. Den er lett å kjenne igjen da den skiller seg ut fra de andre med…