Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails

You can find these dormant (aestivating) land snails (Achatinelloides) sporadically throughout Socotra, but find them covering an entire Socotra cucumber tree…

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus)

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus)

A very young individual that has survived the insatiable appetite of the goats - only because it growing where they cannot reach! If the plant is not…

Socotra plant 41 (Cucurbitaceae)

Socotra plant 41 (Cucurbitaceae)

This is the only place I've encountered this species on Socotra. It thrives here in the shadow of the tall cliffs and finds moisture from the water seeping out…

Rød fluesopp | Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Rød fluesopp | Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

The forest is full of this species now, and they grow in the open or in the densest of forests like these two. I found them in a very dense and dark conifer…

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

The entirety of this cucumber plant is really fascinating, and I’ve never seen it before. This is likely Cucumis prophetarum ssp dissectum, as it is more…

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

The entirety of this cucumber plant is really fascinating, and I've never seen it before, nor do I know if it's an endemic or not.

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

I don't know the color of the ripe fruit, but this one was swollen and seemed to be nearing it's final stages for seed dispersal.

Dendrosicyos socotranus

Dendrosicyos socotranus

Less famous than the desert rose or bottle tree, but equally amazing with its oversized trunk compared to the tiny branches. The leaves can vary wildly on a…

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

On the steep cliffs of west Socotra on the way to Shuab beach I found many interesting plants and some untouched by goats. This rather large specimen was still…