False Numberwing (Paulogramma pyracmon)

Most focus on the underside of the wings, or ventral, but the dorsal (upperside) is in my eyes equally wonderful. The problem is of course that this is rarely displayed when stationary, so mostly luck or a large number of exposures of the false numberwing (Paulogramma pyracmon) can ensure a photo of the upper side.

False Numberwing (Paulogramma pyracmon)
This particular location is the “shipyard” of Cristalino Jungle Lodge (where the boats are taken on land), which was crowded with many different species. Luckily there were very few guest at the time I was at this hotspot, so the butterflies were more or less only only disturbed by my slow movements.

-9.596652, -55.932165

Last updated on 26 June 2024