Epidendrum alsum

Epidendrum alsum is one of the less colorful orchid flowers here on top of Roraima.

According to Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana Vol 4:
“Both Epidendrum ulei and alsum are two of several members of the Epidendrum dendroobioides-durum complex, a group of mainly terrestrial taxa usually restricted to sandstone-derived or boggy substrates”.

A couple of characters separating ulei and alsum from each other: ulei is potentially much taller – 50- 150 cm tall vs 25-40 cm for alsum yellow flowers of alsum vs greenish yellow or green for ulei.

Native range is the Guyana Shield.

Epidendrum alsum

Epidendrum alsum

Epidendrum alsum

Epidendrum alsum

Last updated on 2 July 2024