Socotra plant (unknown)

Socotra plant (unknown)

Elevation: 409 meters.

Boswellia hesperia

Boswellia hesperia

A new species of Boswellia for Socotra, yet to be confirmed and accepted scientifically. It has a very limited range,…

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Similar to Trichocalyx orbiculatus, but with broader, orbicular leaves. Elevation: 409 meters. Endemic.

Nait coast, Socotra

Nait coast, Socotra

Early morning by the Nait coast, with the largest mangrove population remaining on Socotra seen in the distance. I…

Euphorbia marie-cladieae

Euphorbia marie-cladieae

Euphorbia marie-cladieae is a newly described species (2013) of Euphorbia on Socotra. Unfortunately this individual is…

Boswellia hesperia

Boswellia hesperia

A new species of Boswellia for Socotra, yet to be confirmed and accepted scientifically. It has a very limited range,…

Euphorbia marie-cladieae

Euphorbia marie-cladieae

Euphorbia marie-cladieae is a newly described species (2013) of Euphorbia on Socotra. Unfortunately this individual is…

Commiphora planifrons

Commiphora planifrons

This stunted, prostrate and gnarly plant would have been a tree were it not for the countless goats that eat at them.…

Gymnocarpos kuriensis

Gymnocarpos kuriensis

Elevation: 409 meters. Endemic.

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

This species is easily recognized by the glandular hairs. It is found in the cliffs of western and southwestern…

Commiphora planifrons

Commiphora planifrons

This individual is running out of water, and soon the leaves will wither and drop to the ground. For the time being…