Symbolanthus elisabethae

Symbolanthus elisabethae

A large flower that is like a beacon of color in the greens of the montane forest, right next to the Roraima wall. It's pollinated by birds. Native range is…

Celiantha imthurniana

Celiantha imthurniana

This plant grows close to the plateu of Roraima in the montane forest. It was raining on my way up, so photography was not an option, but I was in luck on my…

Rogersonanthus quelchii

Rogersonanthus quelchii

I didn't find many of this shrub in bloom - either the flowers were messed up by insects and birds, or simply past blooming.

Helia alata

Helia alata

Grows alongside the path to Roraima. Native range is from Nicaragua to Ecuador to northern South America.

Curtia tenuifolia

Curtia tenuifolia

A very small flower and the plant itself is barly visible in between the grasses alongside the trail to Roraima. Native range is Mexico to tropical South…