Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed to 6 in Africa. Native range is Tropical & South Africa, West Indian Ocean, Southwest Arabian Peninsula.…

Vanlig metallvannymfe (Lestes sponsa)

Vanlig metallvannymfe (Lestes sponsa)

I de grunne områdene sørsøst i Gjersjøen er det tett med vegetasjon og store mengder a vanlig metallvannymfe. Om man setter seg ned vil det innen kort tid…