Blåklokkebie (Melitta haemorrhoidalis)

Blåklokkebie (Melitta haemorrhoidalis)

Dette er første gangen jeg ser denne arten! Jeg trodde først den var gammel og utslitt, for den bare hang på klokken som dinglet i vinden, som om den hvilte.…

Pseudophasma blanchardi

Pseudophasma blanchardi

The forest around the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is teaming with insects and some are really hard to see, like this stick-insect.…

Talinum triangulare

Talinum triangulare

This species was in some places growing in dense groups, and as all were in bloom I could see a dense pinkish carpet from afar. Outside flowering season the…

Talinum triangulare

Talinum triangulare

This species was in some places growing in dense groups, and as all were in bloom I could see a dense pinkish carpet from afar. Native range is Tropical &…