Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Cissus paniculata

Cissus paniculata

My first and only encounter of this species of vine on Socotra. A large and vital specimen, growing in the cracks of a vertical cliff by a creek where it was…

Cissus hamaderohensis

Cissus hamaderohensis

This mature specimen is using a croton socotranus as support to reach high above ground. It's easily identified by the rectangular stem. This individual both…

Cissus subaphylla

Cissus subaphylla

During my visit a few of the plants had leaves, but none flowers.

Cissus subaphylla

Cissus subaphylla

I found none is bloom, only fruits not ripe yet.

Cissus erosa

Cissus erosa

The inflorescence looks very similar to the Stingray Vine (Cissus spinosa), but the long and slender leaves of this one is very dissimilar to spinosa. Native…

Cissus erosa

Cissus erosa

The inflorescence looks very similar to the Stingray Vine (Cissus spinosa), but the long and slender leaves of this one is very dissimilar to spinosa. Native…

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

It's midday and it scorching hot, so what's better than simply standing in the river? You can see from the absence of ripples that they have been standing…

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

These giant rodents are perhaps the most photographed of all animals of the Pantanal, but most are from afar and generic. I find these animals truly amazing…

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

The fruit of the Acuri palm (Attalea phalerata) is important food for a number of Pantanal bird and mammal species, and here one adult capybara of a family of…