14 Dec 2023
Withania adunensis
Withania adunensis is less common than the similar Withania riebeckii. The are distinguished by the fruiting calyx in Withania riebeckii being narrowly…
6 Feb 2023
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) is an invasive species, introduced by humans. Native range is Texas to Central America, Caribbean.
5 Feb 2023
Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum)
Bitter Tomato (Solanum incanum) is found throughout Socotra, from sea-level to well above 700 meters. Native range is Africa, Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and India…
4 Feb 2023
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) is an invasive species, introduced by humans. Native range is Texas to Central America, Caribbean.
3 Feb 2023
Lycium sokotranum
This heavily pruned individual is the result of never-ending browsing by the goats. Without the goats this species will grow to 2 meters or more. It looks…
3 Feb 2023
Lycium sokotranum
This heavily pruned individual is the result of never-ending browsing by the goats. Without the goats this species will grow to 2 meters or more. It looks…
1 Feb 2023
Lycium sokotranum
Many species grow in very dissimilar conditions on Socotra, and as such you can see a species withered in one location, in bloom (like here) or fruiting in…