Hemionitis scioana

Hemionitis scioana

A common fern found in Socotra’s shady locations, and very easy to recognize during growth as the leaves are covered with a white powdery substance, that later…

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

One of many species of butterflies found on Socotra. Native range is Africa up to the Arabian peninsula. Elevation: 554 meters.

Adiantum balfourii

Adiantum balfourii

Native range is Northeast Tropical Africa. Elevation: 579 meters.

Hemionitis scioana

Hemionitis scioana

A common fern found in Socotra's shady locations, and very easy to recognize during growth as the leaves are covered with a white powdery substance, that later…

Actiniopteris semiflabellata

Actiniopteris semiflabellata

Commonly found in Socotra's shady cracks, holes and crevices. Native range is Africa to Nepal Elevation: 175 meters.

Hemionitis scioana

Hemionitis scioana

A common fern found in Socotra’s shady locations, and very easy to recognize during growth as the leaves are covered with a white powdery substance, that later…

Actiniopteris semiflabellata

Actiniopteris semiflabellata

Commonly found in Socotra's shady cracks, holes and crevices. Native range is Africa to Nepal Elevation: 97 meters.

Hemionitis scioana

Hemionitis scioana

A common fern found in Socotra’s shady locations, and very easy to recognize during growth as the leaves are covered with a white powdery substance, that later…

Hemionitis scioana

Hemionitis scioana

A common fern found in Socotra's shady locations, and very easy to recognize during growth as the leaves are covered with a white powdery substance, that later…