Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris)

Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris)

Planalto woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris) is one of several species of woodcreepers seen in the garden of Hotel do Ype. Woodcreepers are hard to…

Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus)

Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus)

As I was photographing plants I noticed the constant return of and foraging of this rufous hornero (Furnarius rufus) on the ground around me. Not at all timid,…

Heraclides torquatus

Heraclides torquatus

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas)

Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Ruby-spotted Swallowtail (Heraclides anchisiades)

Ruby-spotted Swallowtail (Heraclides anchisiades)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Rothschild’s Swordtail (Protesilaus earis)

Rothschild’s Swordtail (Protesilaus earis)

The different species of protesilaus can be difficult to identify, but if you think of the thick black bars on the forewing as a barcode, you actually have a…

Cordilleran Canastero (Asthenes modesta)

Cordilleran Canastero (Asthenes modesta)

There are many small bird species here, and quite a number of them as well, so you'll constantly see and hear them. Thanks to Jim Moore for identification.…

Napo Wildlife Center Lepidoptera 09

Kite Swallowtail (Protesilaus macrosilaus)

Kite Swallowtail (Protesilaus macrosilaus) is a large and very striking butterfly. Should be easy to identify one might think, but as allways there are many…