Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Speckled Dashers (Genus Micrathyria)

ARCC dragonfly 03

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 02

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 01

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Talinum triangulare

Talinum triangulare

This species was in some places growing in dense groups, and as all were in bloom I could see a dense pinkish carpet from afar. Outside flowering season the…

Talinum triangulare

Talinum triangulare

This species was in some places growing in dense groups, and as all were in bloom I could see a dense pinkish carpet from afar. Native range is Tropical &…

Blåvinge (Plebejus sp)

Blåvinge (Plebejus sp)

På vei til Steinsjøen, dypt inne i Skogbygda, sto røsslyngen i full blomst og jeg så mengder med blåvinger langs stien. Mange var gamle, og hadde sikkert ikke…

Ildgullvinge (Lycaena phlaeas)

Ildgullvinge (Lycaena phlaeas)

Denne lille sommerfuglen ser jeg hver sensommer, men mest på svabergene ned mot sjøen, der de legger egg på syreplantene som vokser der.