Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

In Namibia's Etosha National Park, there are huge areas with hardly any vegetation at all, and finding giraffes and other large animals here is quite surreal…

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

Namibias Walvis Bay is perhaps most known for its marine life. But just a bit inland there is an explosion of life in between the huge sand dunes! Huge reeds…

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

There are two species of flamingo in Namibia, the other species is the greater flamingo which has a dark tip on a pink beak. I found large groups of flamingos…

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

A lonely greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) feeding in one of the salt pans in Walvis Bay.

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

Lesser flamingo (Phoenicoparrus minor)

A single, juvenile, greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) resting in a flock of lesser flamingos in Walvis Bay, Namibia. It was cloudy this day, as so many…

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

A mixed flock of greater and lesser flamingos, with the greater flamingos in the front, with a dark tip on a pink beak. Walvis bay is a flamingo haven, and you…

Heraclides torquatus

Heraclides torquatus

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas)

Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Ruby-spotted Swallowtail (Heraclides anchisiades)

Ruby-spotted Swallowtail (Heraclides anchisiades)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Rothschild’s Swordtail (Protesilaus earis)

Rothschild’s Swordtail (Protesilaus earis)

The different species of Protesilaus can be difficult to identify, but if you think of the thick black bars on the forewing as a barcode, you actually have a…