Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

The population on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed to 6 in Africa. Native range is Tropical & South Africa, West Indian Ocean, Southwest Arabian Peninsula.…

Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus)

Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus)

A very busy male of the species, rarely resting for long, so this was my only opportunity and shot of this species at this location. During my 7 day stay here…

Bicyclus anynana socotrana

Bicyclus anynana socotrana

A bird has likely tried to eat it, and thus a part of the hind wing was lost. This was only one of the species I encountered, so this imperfect specimen must…

Glass-Tip Acraea (Acraea neobule socotrana)

Glass-Tip Acraea (Acraea neobule socotrana)

There are many species of butterflies on Socotra, and in some areas you can see many of them if there are plenty of plants in bloom. At higher elevations -…

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Speckled Dashers (Genus Micrathyria)

ARCC dragonfly 03

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 02

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…