Spider monkey (Ateles sp)

Spider monkey (Ateles sp)

Almost every day I encountered either spider or howler monkeys. This individual is part of a group I found during one of my many trips on the oxbow lake at the…

Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus)

Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus)

There are many groups of both spider and howler monkeys roaming the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and this group turned up as I…

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

This group raided the mango trees like there was no tomorrow!

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

In this angle I think the name tufted is appropriate, but it's more commonly known as the brown capuchin. This one is naturally part of a larger group which is…

White-whiskered Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus)

White-whiskered Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus)

A group of spider monkeys was accompanying a group of capuchin monkeys. While the capuchins were busy raiding the mango trees in the garden of Cristalino…

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

This part of the Pantanal has numerous forested islands. Islands, as they are truly so during the annual floods, but also virtual islands during the dry season…

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

Black and Gold Howler (Alouatta caraya)

This part of the Pantanal has numerous forested islands. Islands, as they are truly so during the annual floods, but also virtual islands during the dry season…

Peruvian spider monkey (Ateles chamek)

Peruvian spider monkey (Ateles chamek)

During my 2 weeks in the Bolivian Amazon I only had this very brief encounter. They are always on the move, so dependent on the size of the group they can pass…

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

I haven't been able to find any resource describing which of these two distinctly different facial patterns are male and female, but I assume the first one is…

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

When a group of 20-30 monkeys rush through the canopy, it's like swarm of sounds and movements. You mostly see some feet, tails, or furry bodies jump in and…