Pantanal Cicada 01

Pantanal Cicada 01

To my ears there was only one species of Cicada playing - this one. I found them everywhere - high and low like here on the trunk of a tree just a couple of…

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

En fantastisk flott øyenstikker som får meg til å assosiere med tropisk ovedådighet, men dette er altså ved det saktegående elvevannet som renner ut i…

Madidi cicada 02

Madidi cicada 02

Please help me identify it - leave a comment.

Madidi Cicada 01

Madidi Cicada 01

Halfway to Chalalan we stopped for lunch on the bank of the Tuichi River, and this was the first and only sight I had of this incredible insect.…

Automeris abdominalis

Automeris abdominalis

What a beautiful moth when it has the wings open like this! I mostly saw this species with wings in resting position and no sign of this colorful wonder! For…