Heliconia pendula

Heliconia pendula

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin. Resembles Heliconia rostrata, but…

ARCC heliconia 04

ARCC heliconia 04

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin. Please help me identify it –…

ARCC heliconia 04

ARCC heliconia 04

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin. Please help me identify it -…

ARCC heliconia 03

ARCC heliconia 03

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin. This one looks like Heliconia…

Heliconia hirsuta

Heliconia hirsuta

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin.

Heliconia hirsuta

Heliconia hirsuta

I found many helicoinia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin. -12.0465,-69.6785……

Heliconia rostrata

Heliconia rostrata

I found many heliconia species in the forest around Amazon Research and Conservation Center, and some right outside my cabin.

Chuquiraga jussieui

Chuquiraga jussieui

An iconic flower - so huge and conspicuous. How is it able to make such a huge infloresence at this altitude and with seemingly so little nutrition? This…

Blomsterflue (Didea fasciata)

Blomsterflue (Didea fasciata)

Enda en variant av blomsterflue og denne gang i slekten didea som det finnes tre arter av i Norge. Larvene lever av bladlus. Vanskelig å komme innpå og…

Hvitbåndet humleblomsterflue (Volucella pellucens)

Hvitbåndet humleblomsterflue (Volucella pellucens)

En stor blomsterflue som minner om droneflue. Kan ikke huske å ha sett den før. Larvene har en merkelig oppvekst - i vepsebol! De lever av døde vepselarver og…