Panax bipinnatifidus

Panax bipinnatifidus

Panax bipinnatifidus is found in Sikkim's temperate to subalpine biomes to 4000 meters elevation. Elevation: 2973 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China,…

Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

As the name implies this is a fruit eater, and thus also a seed-disperser, yet I've never encountered it by any feeding stations. It blends in very well with…

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

This is such a unique looking species, unmistakable and like no other bird species. I've encountered it deep in the Canaima National Park in Venezuela, by the…

Seksflekket bloddråpesvermer (Zygaena filipendulae)

Seksflekket bloddråpesvermer (Zygaena filipendulae)

Jeg var på vei hjem fra en super dag i sumpområdene rundt det sørøstlige Gjersjøen, og tok en sveip av en skråning langs grusveien for å forhåpentligvis finne…

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

From the two canopy towers of Cristalino Jungle Lodge you have a fantastic bird's eye view over the treetops, and you can see many of the canopy dwellers like…

Crepinella umbellata

Crepinella umbellata

Perhaps the only plant on Roraima that grows to the size of a tree. It's host to a variety of vegetation and perhaps the most conspicuous is the epiphytic…