South American Freshwater crab (Dilocarcinus pagei)

South American Freshwater crab (Dilocarcinus pagei)

Quite far from any lake or river I encountered this crab on one of the trails in the forest around SouthWild Pantanal. As the rain showers become more frequent…

American Snout (Libytheana carinenta)

American Snout (Libytheana carinenta)

On the many sandbanks I encountered lots of butterflies. Some not so easy to see when sitting on the ground like this. Here it's sucking up minerals from…

Rød skogsmaur (Formica rufa)

Rød skogsmaur (Formica rufa)

I Delignsdalen like før Bjørnsrud står en enorm maurtue. Den har stått her i mange tiår og viser ingen tegn til svekkelse. Det merkelige er at den ligger…