Xylocalyx aculeolatus

Xylocalyx aculeolatus

This individual seemed well passed flowering, so I missed the only flower - seen as a purple blob, just below the cissus subaphylla branch at the top of the…

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Elevation: 479 meters.

Lindenbergia sokotrana

Lindenbergia sokotrana

A species commonly seen in in rocky places and plains below around 700 meters elevation. Endemic. Elevation: 16 meters.

Lindenbergia sokotrana

Lindenbergia sokotrana

A species commonly seen in in rocky places, on boulders and plains below around 700 meters elevation. Elevation: 16 meters. Endemic.

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

One of many species of butterflies found on Socotra. Native range is Africa up to the Arabian peninsula. Elevation: 554 meters.