Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The trail to Hoq cave is a great place to see the Socotra mabuya, as they are easily seen from the trail. Endemic.

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The endemic Socotra Mabuya and the Socotra Rock Gecko (Pristurus sokotranus) are species commonly seen in the same landscape throughout Socotra.

Belonogaster saussurei

Belonogaster saussurei

During bloom the widespread shrub croton socotranus is an important food source for insects of all sizes. Here the paper wasp belongaster saussurei is visiting…

Belonogaster saussurei

Belonogaster saussurei

A beautiful specimen of Ochradenus socotranus, untouched by livestock due to its position high up a sheer cliff face. In the morning shade from the towering…

Socotra Skink (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Skink (Trachylepis socotrana)

As I was busy photographing the flowers of this Cucumis prophetarum, this skink entered the scene and started consuming one flower after another! Not easy…