Diceratella incana

Diceratella incana

My first observation of Diceratella incana on Socotra. I found it near the creek on the northern end of the Homhil…

Ruellia paulayana

Ruellia paulayana

Ruellia paulayana is endemic to Socotra.

Zygophyllum paulayanum

Zygophyllum paulayanum

Native range of Zygophyllum paulayanum is Egypt to Kenya, Arabian Peninsula, South Iran to India.

Lindenbergia sokotrana

Lindenbergia sokotrana

Lindenbergia sokotrana is commonly seen in in rocky places and plains below around 700 meters elevation. It is endemic…

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata is a common species seen from sea-level to 700-800 meters elevation. During this visit I found…

Convolvulus sarmentosus

Convolvulus sarmentosus

There is a short window of opportunity for many of the plant species on Socotra that are most sensitive to the winter…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

The moon, two days to full, hanging above the crown of an old and damaged Boswellia elongata in Homhil. This is one of…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

This is Homhil at its most beautiful – green and vibrant after the winter rains. Unfortunately this is but a faint echo…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

This is Homhil at its most beautiful - green and vibrant after the winter rains. Unfortunately this is but a faint echo…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

This is Homhil at its most beautiful – green and vibrant after the winter rains. Unfortunately this is but a faint echo…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

This is the crown of one of very few remaining trees of what once was a forest of Boswellia elongata her in Homhil.…