Waterfall in Lahaul Valley

Waterfall in Lahaul Valley

This is one of several beautiful waterfalls on the north-facing slopes, now a mellow trickle compared to during the monsoon several weeks ago. It’s running…

Chenab River, Spiti

Chandra river, Spiti

The water in this river (also called Cheneb river) comes from the glaciers which are slowly releasing less and less water as the winter approaches. Soon this…

Chandra river, Spiti

Chandra river, Spiti

A very different experience when all colors are removed. The water in this river (also called Cheneb river) comes from the glaciers which are slowly releasing…

Chandra river, Spiti

Chandra river, Spiti

The water in this river (also called Cheneb river) comes from the glaciers which are slowly releasing less and less water as the winter approaches. Soon this…

Dhankar Gompa, Spiti

Dhankar Gompa, Spiti

Today we can enjoy a leisurely car drive to this amazing monastery and village - Dhankar Gompa, and move on within minutes in the summer months. But think…

Pin Valley National Park, India

Pin Valley National Park, India

Clouds always add mystery and dynamics to any landscape, but Spiti is mostly without any clouds as it is a mountain desert with cloudless skies for long…

Nightfall at Ki monastery

Nightfall at Ki monastery

I had a wonderful time at this spot, watching the remaining light of the sun fade and being replaced by the rising moon behind me. There is not much vegetation…

Stille og kaldt over Jeløy

Stille og kaldt over Jeløy

Et høytrykk hviler over Skandinavia og sørger for sykfritt vær med iskald luft fra sibir. Her er det minus 11 grader, rene mildværet å regne, men nordover og i…

Vintersolverv 2015 II

Vintersolverv 2015 II

Her har solen gått under hosisonten og i løpet av noen få timer nås et kortvarig equilibrium før gravitasjonen igjen fører til at dagene blir lenger. Helt…

Vintersolverv 2015

Vintersolverv 2015

Endelig har de stadig kortere dagene kommet til en slutt for denne gang, og sakte men sikkert kan vi se at dagene blir lenger og lenger. De første to månedene…