4 Dec 2014
Justicia laevilinguis
Justicia laevilinguis is a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Mexico, Trinidad to south tropical America.
4 Dec 2014
Justicia laevilinguis
Justicia laevilinguis is a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Mexico, Trinidad to south tropical America.
4 Dec 2014
Ruellia hygrophila
Just a couple of metres from the rooms of SoutWild Pantanal I found a group of ruellia hygrophila with these beautiful flowers. In Pantanal you simply do not…
4 Dec 2014
Ruellia hygrophila
Just a couple of metres from the rooms of SoutWild Pantanal I found a group of ruellia hygrophila. In Pantanal you simply do not need to introduce popular…
2 Dec 2014
Justicia laevilinguis
Justicia laevilinguis a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Mexico, Trinidad to south tropical America.