30 Jan 2020
Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata)
As the name implies the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) is endemic to Japan and exists nowhere else on earth. Just like most oft he other macaque species,…
30 Jan 2020
Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata)
As the name implies the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) is endemic to Japan and exists nowhere else on earth. Just like most oft he other macaque species,…
15 Mar 2016
Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
During my stay in Sydney I got real close to a family of kookaburras residing in the park just outside the house of my friend Pia Lindgren. First of all I was…
15 Mar 2016
Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
This wonderfully colored rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) is definitely into a balanced diet, as it will gladly take handouts like apples from us…