8 Apr 2016
Megalong Valley Road, Blue Mountains, Australia
Blue Mountains is mostly known for its waterfalls and sheer cliffs, but is so much more. Wherever you go, wherever you look, there is something amazing and…
18 Mar 2016
Pulpit Hill Creek, Blue Mountains National Park
There are many majestic waterfalls in this park. But those are only so during times of plenty. During my stay, at the beginning of autumn, water was rising…
18 Mar 2016
Blue Mountains National Park
Blue Mountains is famous and visited by many, and now by me. I expected to see mountains, but was disappointed as the landscape was just hills – even as I…
17 Mar 2016
Blue Mountains National park
I had only 3 nights here in the Blue Mountains, and a limit to how much I could explore during that time. Thus I selected spots close to my hotel, and…
17 Mar 2016
Blue Mountains National Park
The Three Sisters of Blue Mountain National Park is perhaps the most known of all landmarks in the park, but for the most part seen from a distance. And from a…
17 Mar 2016
Blue Mountains National Park
This morning started with dense fog and no promise of any sun rays. I was greeted with lots of bird sounds, but nothing to see. As the morning progressed, I…
17 Mar 2016
Three Sisters, Blue Mountains National Park
My first morning in this amazing national park was that of utter gloom as the clouds were hanging all the way to the ground - as fog. Weather changes quickly…
5 May 2015
Skogforglemmegei (Myosotis sylvatica) UV
Selv om denne blosmten er kritthvit i det synlige lys for oss mennesker, er den ganske så mørk i UV, og spesielt i sentrum, der den er gul i synlig lys.
5 May 2015
Skogforglemmegei (Myosotis sylvatica)
Kanskje dette er årsaken til navnet forglemmegei - glem ei fargen blå? Den er så totalt uten blåfarge at man skulle tro noe var utelatt. Det alltid spennende…