Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi is a favorite of the goats of Socotra, so why is this one seemingly untouched? The winter rains of this season were good and have ensured…

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

My first encounter with Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus) on Socotra, near the plateau above the cliffs of Hoq. The goats have easy access to this…

Peucedanum cordatum

Peucedanum cordatum

The vertical cliffs of Socotra are very important safe havens for many plant species on Socotra as there they are safe from goats. Thus they are able to grow…

Socotra plant (Helicrysum)

Socotra plant (Helicrysum)

A beautiful specimen, untouched by goats and growing to its full potential and one day filled with inflorescences. The vertical cliffs of Socotra are safe…

Aden Currybush (Lasiosiphon socotranus)

Aden Currybush (Lasiosiphon socotranus)

As I neared the plateau the shade of the otherwise imposing Hoq cliffs of north eastern Socotra, the landscape opened up and the sun reached the ground in full…

Persian Violet (Exacum affine)

Persian Violet (Exacum affine)

Persian violet (Exacum affine) is a species that is commonly found wherever there is water. Even though this individual appears to be growing straight of of…

Socotra plant 50 (Helicrysum)

Socotra plant (Helicrysum)

A beautiful specimen, untouched by goats and seemingly at its full potential. The vertical cliffs of Socotra are safe havens for many species that otherwise…

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii

A beautiful specimen of Oldenlandia balfourii, at its full potential. Usually the species is gobbled up by the goats, but at the time I visited there was still…

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota is endemic to Socotra.