25 Nov 2010
Vanessa myrinna
Vanessa myrinna was the third and most common of three species of butterflies that were seen around the path to and from Roraima. It was seen on the path or…
25 Nov 2010
This was the second of three species of butterflies that were seen around the path to and from Roraima. It had the strange abillity to curl the wings downwards…
25 Nov 2010
West Indian Buckeye (Junonia evarete)
On the open grassland that is the savanna (Sabana), there are few birds and a lot of insects - ants and termites in particular. Only a select few butterflies…
24 Nov 2010
Octauius Swordtail (Chorinea octauius)
In one of the few areas the Pyro indians (Pemon) had not eradicated the forest by fire, I saw this incredible octauius swordtail (Chorinea octauius) by the…
23 Nov 2010
Gran Sabana butterfly 027
My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded with various nocturnal insects drawn in…
22 Nov 2010
Gran Sabana butterfly 026
My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded with various nocturnal Lepidopteras and…
22 Nov 2010
Gran Sabana butterfly 025
My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded with various nocturnal Lepidopteras and…
22 Nov 2010
Gran Sabana butterfly 024
My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded with various nocturnal Lepidopteras and…
22 Nov 2010
Gran Sabana butterfly 023
My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded with various nocturnal Lepidopteras and…