Andean Goose (Chloephaga melanoptera)

Andean Goose (Chloephaga melanoptera)

The large Andean goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) is unmistakable and very conspicuous, and I saw several of them here at River Alota. A haven in the middle of…

Andean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus andinus)

Andean Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus)

The huge, dry Altiplano is not without water. Several springs feed lagoons and rivers - even in the deepest of the dry season. This is River Alota, shallow…

Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli)

Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli)

This shallow river is teaming with life and fish - in the middle of the desert. I wonder how the fish could end up here - are they remnants of the time when…

Altiplano butterfly 01

Altiplano butterfly 01

One of very few butterflies I saw on the Altiplano. In the Amazon there's a lack of salt and they sometimes swarm aound sweat or urine stains in the landscape.…

Sipanea sp

Sipanea sp

Found alongside the trail to Roraima. Help me identify it, leave a comment!

Palicourea rigida

Palicourea rigida

Palicourea rigida is a common shrub on the savanna. I saw several on the way to Roraima tepui, and on the way to Angel falls, where this photo was taken. This…

Comolia ovalifolia

Comolia ovalifolia

The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…

Rhynchanthera grandiflora

Rhynchanthera grandiflora

The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…

Chamaecrista desvauxii

Chamaecrista desvauxii

The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids. Here we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…

Merremia sp

Merremia sp

On the boat journey to Angel Falls, there was only one section where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open savanna. This flower was…