27 Aug 2018
Dhole (Cuon alpinus)
Wild and rare The national parks in India with a tiger population have almost all been rebranded and renamed a tiger reserve as in the public eye the tiger is…
25 Aug 2018
Dholes in the monsoon
Without rain this gorgeous landscape would have been brown, parched and bland, and the watchful dhole (Cuon alpinus) almost impossible to see unless moving.…
25 Aug 2018
Dhole (Cuon alpinus)
In the dry season the dholes would blend perfectly with the withered plants, but in the monsoon they stick out clearly. An endangered species that is…
2 Dec 2010
Palicourea rigida
Palicourea rigida is a common shrub on the savanna. I saw several on the way to Roraima tepui, and on the way to Angel falls, where this photo was taken. This…
2 Dec 2010
Comolia ovalifolia
The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…
2 Dec 2010
Rhynchanthera grandiflora
The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…
2 Dec 2010
Chamaecrista desvauxii
The boat journey to Angel Falls was interrupted only once by a long section of rapids. Here we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open…
2 Dec 2010
Merremia sp
On the boat journey to Angel Falls, there was only one section where we had to disembark and walk for about 20 minutes on the open savanna. This flower was…
2 Dec 2010
Leaving Angel Falls IV
Now the landscape widens, and so does the river, which is now the Carrao river. The table mountains are now fewer and far between, compared to an hour ago…