Pale Sulphur (Aphrissa statira)

Pale Sulphur (Aphrissa statira)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Tomato (Temenis laothoe)

Orange Banner (Temenis laothoe)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Red Daggerwing (Marpesia petreus)

Red Daggerwing (Marpesia petreus)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Bell’s Paradise Skipper (Phocides metrodorus)

Bell’s Paradise Skipper (Phocides metrodorus)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Hübner’s Sister (Adelpha plesaure)

Hübner’s Sister (Adelpha plesaure)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Eriocaulon sp

Eriocaulon sp

These flowers seems to hover in the air from afar. Only a closer look reveals the thinnest of stems holding these soft and furry "buttons". This specimen grew…

Reed-stemmed Orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense)

Reed-stemmed Orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense)

Native range of reed-stemmed orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense) is Trinidad to Bolivia.

Gran Sabana flower 008

Gran Sabana flower 008

A shrub I found close to the Kaimoran Lodge. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Microlicia benthamiana

Microlicia benthamiana

Native range of microlicia benthamiana is the Guyana Shield.

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

I found this false meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata) growing in a small brook close by Kamoiran lodge. Native range is Tropical South America.