Fernandina lavaflow

Fernandina lavaflow

Looks like cow manure or perhaps chocolate mousse? Galapagos-0.265538,-91.44659

Flightless Cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi)

Flightless Cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi)

The population of flightless Cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi) is limited to Fernandina and portions of Isabela, and is as a species vulnerable. It's an agile…

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus)

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus galapagensis)

What a difference in behavior to the European Oystercatcher! The European Oystercatcher is extraordinarily vocal and territorial. Here the American…

Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

The landing on Punta Espinoza is a wide open sandy beach amidst young lavarock, that looks like solidified manure. I saw many Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus…

Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) is yet another life form unique to the Galapagos. They look so prehistoric and alien, but when you observe them a bit…

Yellow-breasted Antpitta (Grallaria flavotincta)

Yellow-breasted Antpitta (Grallaria flavotincta)

According to Angel Paz we arrived a bit late (09:00 being the latest this Antpitta would respond to "hails", which was our time of arrival at this location).…

Dark-backed Wood Quail (Odontophorus melanonotus)

Dark-backed Wood Quail (Odontophorus melanonotus)

Dark-backed Wood Quail (Odontophorus melanonotus) is yet another species of bird that Angel Paz has connected with so that visitors can see what is usually…

Giant Antpitta (Grallaria gigantea)

Giant Antpitta (Grallaria gigantea)

Not far from Tandayapa - about 45 minutes by car - the Paz family changed their ways from tradition to bird and eco-tourism. Something that would not have been…