1 Dec 2011
Solanum quitoense
Solanum quitoense is a very hairy plant - native to Ecuador and named naranjilla. Altitude 2111 metres. Native range is Costa Rica to Venezuela to Peru.……
1 Dec 2011
Solanum quitoense
The fruit of solanum quitoense is edible and I have had many naranjilla smoothies in Ecuador - one of my favourites! Altitude 2111 metres. Native range is…
1 Dec 2011
Solanum quitoense
Native range of solanum quitoense is Costa Rica to Venezuela to Peru. Altitude 2111 metres. -0.589722,-77.880556
1 Dec 2011
Browallia speciosa
Native range of browallia speciosa is Costa Rica to Peru. Altitude 2070 metres. -0.589722,-77.880556
1 Dec 2011
Browallia speciosa
This browallia speciosa grows in a dense and dark jungle on the way down to the river Cosanga, with minimal light reaching the plant. Altitude 2070 metres.…
29 Nov 2011
Red Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea)
The fruit of red angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea) looks like a wild mango, but it's far from it! Altitude 3083 metres. Native range is West South America…
29 Nov 2011
Red Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea)
Red Angel's trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea) has an incredibly large flower which attracts insects in droves, especially small flies inhabit the flower for the…