5 Feb 2023
Red-eyed Reef Crab (Eriphia smithii)
The marine life around Socotra is rich and diverse, but I am focusing on the flora and fauna on land. However, I had a short window of opportunity during low…
5 Feb 2023
Violet Zoanthids (Zoanthus sansibaricus)
Socotra's biodiversity on land is undisputed and world famous, but it is equally diverse on the coast and in the sea. I am focusing on the terrestrial realm…
2 Dec 2011
White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)
Native range of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) is subtropical and tropical America, west tropical Africa to Angola. Santa…
2 Dec 2011
White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)
Native range of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) is subtropical and tropical America, west tropical Africa to Angola. Santa…
2 Dec 2011
White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)
Native range of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) is subtropical and tropical America, west tropical Africa to Angola. Santa…
2 Dec 2011
White-haired Tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens)
White-haired tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497
2 Dec 2011
White-haired Tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens)
White-haired Tournefortia (Tournefortia pubescens) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497
2 Dec 2011
Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora)
Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497
2 Dec 2011
Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora)
Spiny bush (Scutia spicata var pauciflora) is endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497
2 Dec 2011
Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)
I wonder what insects are able to digest or damage this Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis) which has covered itself in dense hairs…