28 Nov 2011
Lasiocephalus ovatus
Native range of lasiocephalus ovatus is Colombia and Ecuador. Altitude 4200 metres. Ecuador-0.492576,-78.200855
28 Nov 2011
Chuquiraga jussieui
Chuquiraga jussieui has an iconic inflorescence - so huge and conspicuous. How is it able to make such a huge infloresence at this altitude and with seemingly…
28 Nov 2011
Chikku Chikku (Hypochaeris sessiliflora)
Many in the genus have adapted the same way at this altitude - only one huge flower, barely above the ground and leaves. Impossible to pluck for a bouquet,…
28 Nov 2011
Antisana plant 01 (Asteraceae)
One of few in the family at this altitude that produces a tall stem. I encountered it here in Antisana Ecological Reserve as well as in Cayambe Coca. Resembles…