6 Dec 2014
Cissus erosa
The inflorescence of cissus erosa looks very similar to the Stingray Vine (Cissus spinosa), but the long and slender leaves of this one is very dissimilar to…
6 Dec 2014
Cissus erosa
The inflorescence of cissus erosa looks very similar to the Stingray Vine (Cissus spinosa), but the long and slender leaves of this one is very dissimilar to…
5 Oct 2014
Storkransmose | Big shaggy-moss (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus)
Enkelte steder vokser det rene skoger av denne mosen! Under kraftlinjen bak Sandbukta er det skyggefult og skogen holdes i sjakk her, dermed får mosen vokse…
15 Nov 2013
Stingray Vine (Cissus spinosa)
The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. This stingray vine (Cissus…