6 Feb 2015
Belonogaster saussurei
During bloom the widespread shrub croton socotranus is an important food source for insects of all sizes. Here the paper wasp belonogaster saussurei is…
3 Feb 2015
Belonogaster saussurei
A beautiful specimen of Ochradenus socotranus, untouched by livestock due to its position high up a sheer cliff face. In the morning shade from the towering…
13 Dec 2014
Giant Red-winged Grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata)
The forest around the Amazon Research and Conservation Center is teaming with insects (ARCC), and on the base of a tree I found many attracted to sap coming…
20 Nov 2012
Crested rainforest grasshopper (Prionolopha serrata)
Crested rainforest grasshopper (Prionolopha serrata) is one of many large insects just outside my cabin. -14.426253,-67.919775